March 16, 2018 Watch me L-I-V-E NOW.! Facebook Instagram Periscope YouTube or Dial-In 641-715-3655 and Enter Code.. 693-222…

What Every Preacher Should Know.!

1000 Things… Can Bring You Joy. Always choose the least expensive. #drMM #fb

FAMILY...This is a MUST... Creating Your VISION Board... Don’t Ignore This...

#Information ...Increases Confidence. #drMM #fb

#Answered Prayers ...Reveal Your Skill At Prayer. #drMM #fb

A #Question ...Is A Door. ..To Truth ..To Peace ..To A Decision ..To Clarity ..To Discovery ..To The Hidden Q...…

#Research Should Confirm...What You Discern. #drMM #fb

My #Thoughts Are My Investments ... In A Desired Experience. #drMM #fb

Energy For Tomorrow... Will Arrive TOMORROW. #drMM #fb

A Missing Conversation... Explains Most Broken Marriages. #drMM #fb

#Endurance ..Exhaust Enemies. #drMM #fb #enemies

Do ...Exhaustive Imagining. #Memory Is...Yesterday. #Imagination ..Is Tomorrow. #drMM #fb

#Perfection ...Has Never Created Joy. Even Jesus..”Wept.” #drMM #fb

Him: “So, If A Thief Broke Into Your House, You Would Shoot Him? Me: “Yes...About 7 Times.” :) #drMM #fb

Most Christians Are Harmless...As Doves— But, Are Not Wise As Serpents. #IAmAMilitantChrstian #drMM #fb

#Perfection ...Is An Opinion. #drMM #fb

The #Protege ...Decides The Joy of The Mentor. #drMM #fb

A I-Hour Conversation..Is A 32 Pg Book... So... Where Is ...YOUR Book? #drMM #fb

#INVEST ...In Proximity. Think. Think. Think. #drMM #fb

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