June 5, 2020 Miss you! https://t.co/gG23XzuUOn

@ApFrancisFais Can you change pictures?

@worshiper4jesus ??????


Holy Spirit...Forgive us for killing our Babies……… https://t.co/UbW4WRLzeM

I Am LIVE... NOW!!! Facebook Periscope YouTube Instagram Or 712-770-5600/693-222 I Have A Powerful Message For You.... #drMM

Fri, Jun 5 - The Path To Your Harvest..! Part 4..! https://t.co/MBy7oyHRHy

Fri, Jun 5 - The Path To Your Harvest..! Part 4..! https://t.co/pcF1qppEek

Fri, Jun 5 - The Path To Your Harvest..! Part 3..! https://t.co/LBb1GKR53M

LIVE AT 12p. CST TODAY Facebook Instagram Periscope YouTube https://t.co/rcOyrbQGhb

Wisdom Keys... 1. Your Library…Explains You. ..Your Hunger for Knowledge ..Your Willingness To PURSUE… https://t.co/FKmJ9sUA3x

#Love ....Is ....KIND. 1 Cor. 13 NOTHING ELSE MATTERS. #drMM #fb I am LIVE@12p..&5p/cst Tod… https://t.co/rT6F6VmKUS

God uses unlikable people to do spectacular things For You. #drMM #fb

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