June 16, 2021 Last hope https://t.co/0AafHWiHOB

Hope….!!!! https://t.co/8iDgdhUVJx

We are all…flawed.?????? https://t.co/cY0kUAPCAV

And we all love who you are Dr Mike!! https://t.co/WIJUFXuctq

Reair: The Wisdom Encyclopedia - A..! https://t.co/edkTNcN2u8

@ApFrancisFais Perfect!????

We greatly love you Two, Ps Mark!!! We love your entire family!!! https://t.co/xL3yrci8cV

School of Love...! Pt 3 https://t.co/tJQuftnlV1

Reair: The Wisdom Encyclopedia.. A..! https://t.co/YY66fN3nwn

The Wisdom Encyclopedia.. A..! https://t.co/my3o815x1R

Really appreciate your caring Brandy! https://t.co/5YkPFbgcUS

Goals…GOALS…..G-O-A-L-S. Pictures on your walls!!!!! https://t.co/BKvDfQRGnn

@ApFrancisFais Really appreciate these graphics Dear Francis !!!????

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