Hello Partner…

Environment Matters… More Than Anyone Knows.

Environment… Affects Your Focus.

… Decides your feelings and every achievement of your life.
When You Prophesied to Your Day… You established a Focus for the day.
Every Appointment… Should have an identified Focus.

Your Written Plan… Is the Path to your desired Goal. Always remind yourself that no one else is aware of your desired focus… Nor do they really care. Those who want to meet with you… Usually have a very different focus than yours. Their desire and challenge is to alter your focus to their own conversation or needs.

Fight for Your Focus... Every Hour of Your Life.

Pursuing My Next Completion 

PS. Don't Forget to Call Me..7P...559-726-1200...#693-222.Church-By-Phone...
and on WisdomOnline.com Button 15-cbp.


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