April 27, 2022 Reair: The High Cost of Disrespect..! https://t.co/gPIwSu7NLO

Wed, Apr. 27 - The Joy of Money..! https://t.co/Qeh2jHHiGg

Wed, Apr. 27 - The Joy of Money..! https://t.co/SmTZy71d8h

The Joy of Money.!! Live At 5p CST.! Please Join Me.! https://t.co/iQjJYE15iQ

One hr away LIVE 5p..cst https://t.co/mXjUZKtve3

@wealthyt ????????

@ApFrancisFais Perfect

@ApFrancisFais ??????

@ApFrancisFais Not right

@ApFrancisFais Do over…

@TWCWisdomCenter ????

Wed, Apr. 27 - The High Cost of Disrespect..! https://t.co/WQ1hEh8SzL

Wed, Apr. 27 - The High Cost of Disrespect..! https://t.co/IslPuan9eR

@ApFrancisFais ??????

READ ALOUD!!! https://t.co/VOX66MrQDi

@ApFrancisFais ????????????


A LEADER I TRUST.. https://t.co/pT1j45yZdU

@kenloring ??????????

Millionaire Mind..! Part 3..! https://t.co/FzzW0367ay

M-O-N-E-Y…CREATES… …Experiences …Events …Memories …Pleasures …Churches …Libraries …J… https://t.co/D5VbpKrm8Q

Oh how this blesses me!!!!! DrMM https://t.co/RvhnZ3HEYQ

Your Loving nature is so so rare Ken… https://t.co/AWXCPiCnmd

Millionaire Mind..! Part 2..! https://t.co/MCw6ZSF28i

Millionaire Mind..! Part 3..! https://t.co/fNj5kxE1I8

Millionaire Mind..! Part 2..! https://t.co/ntF7YtwGUn

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