August 17, 2013 “@ApSilvioRibeiro #ApSR "A SEMENTE PARA O FAVOR DIVINO É UMA OFERTA!" #drMM AH meu filho(a) O DIA QUE VC ENTENDER”

“@PastorAnaSweet Thank you God for my spiritual father, Dr Mike Murdock!! You have changed my life ....we need you. #drMM @drmikemurdock

“@RachelSayers I have no idea how someone that loves others so well can have such a difficult time ...

“@Suzzieque52 So Very,Very Thankful For Dr. Mike Murdock's Sister "Debra" That Gives Herself To His Ministry. You Are Such A Blessing To Me”

“@EmailDorcie Dorcas Oghenekaro wrote: True leaders do not control and push people around.. They inspire people to do great feats..”

“@JskNavarro But even when I am afraid, I keep on trusting you. -Psalm 56:3”

It Matters Very Little ...Who Curses Me. It Matters Forever...Who Blesses Me. #drMM #fb

“@rosana_vinhosa Pouco importa ... aqueles q me amaldiçoam. Importa sempre ... Quem me abençoa. @drmikemurdock”

#Dating - Disinterest...Is A Divine Instruction. #drMM #fb

“@rosana_vinhosa Namoro - Desinteresse... É uma instrução divina. @drmikemurdock”

#Attentiveness ...Makes A Woman... Memorable. #drMM #fb

“@rosana_vinhosa Atenção ... faz uma mulher ... Memorável. @drmikemurdock”

Silent Loyalty...Is Disloyalty. #drMM #fb

“@rosana_vinhosa Lealdade em silêncio ... É deslealdade. @drmikemurdock”

Whatever Is Missing In Your Life... Arrived Disguised ...As An Opportunity. #drMM #fb

Surviving Disappointment ...Is The Master Struggle of Life. Disappointment..Reveals Our Flawed Discerning. #drMM #fb

“@bellajohn005 Giving exists in dimensions. It varies in terms of quality,depending on heart of the giver not necessarily quantity given.”

“@allinecassiane "I Believe In Miracles... Because I Believe In God" RT @drmikemurdock”

Part of the happiness of life consists not in fighting battles, but in avoiding them. -Norman Peale"”

“@TheKingsHelper The part of the Bible that won't work for you... Is the part you don't believe. @drmikemurdock”

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