October 7, 2013 «@rosana_vinhosa Eu sou .. Um investidor sério. .. de energia. .. Dinheiro. .. Tempo. Eu examino Meu Retorno ..Em cada momento. #drMM

«@Kellykinng Brothers and Sisters in Christ, in the world that we live in today, it is too expensive to keep quiet. #WeMustTellTheUntold»

«@wwjd724 #drMM If YOU are n o t f o l l o w i n g this h a s h t a g you are missing something @drmikemurdock»

«@NUSHYGAL "@ReyhanaThumbran: Everything you have need of, will find manifestation in your life through this single revelation #GodisGood"»

#Greatness ....Is An Opinion. #drMM #fb

#Dating - The Quality of Your Questions... ...Is A Prediction of Our Compatibility. #drMM

«@wwjd724 Want to be a part of h i s t o r y?? ?? P r o t é g é W e e k e n d ?? ??Oct 11?-13 THE??WISDOM CENTER @drmikemurdock»

«@rosana_vinhosa Grandeza .... é uma opinião. @drmikemurdock»

«@wwjd724 The @drmikemurdock APP is your essential accessory for an optimised??WISDOM CENTER experience Download it ?? ? @drmikemurdock»

One More Question. ...Could Change Everything. EVERYTHING. On a Date. Negotiating. Job Interview. Health. #drMM

#Dating - Always Compare....Both Investments In The Relationship Building. #drMM #fb

A Human Decision...Is More Powerful Than A Divine Desire. #drMM #fb

Love...Makes Many Bad Decisions. #drMM #fb

«@FrancisFais A decisão humana ... é mais poderosa do que um desejo Divino. by @drmikemurdock»

If He Doubts... He Is On The Way Out. #drMM #fb


Impartation...Is Expensive. But... Ignorance...Is Costly. #drMM

#Wedding - Trust...Schedules The Date. #drMM #fb

A Man Will Sleep With A Dangerous Woman... But... He Will Not Knowingly Marry A Dangerous Woman. #drMM

@nonsomoks Love often loves wrong people.

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