January 9, 2014 Imagine What Would Happen.... ..If You Never Told God "No." #drMM #fb

#DearDaughter ~ I Can Make One Guarantee: No Man ...Pursues A Critic. #Dad #drMM #fb””

Your "Reaction" To Your Enemies... ...Decides Their Success. #drMM #fb””

Peasants Protest...Palace Protocol. That's How You Discern... ...They Are Peasants. :) #drMM #fb””

Since You Despise "Authority"... ...Who Have You Arranged To Promote You..? #drMM #fb””

In The World of Deceivers... ...Knowledge Is An Enemy. #drMM #fb””

#Depression ...Is The Absence of Someone Who Can Inspire You. #drMM #fb””

Those Comfortable Around My Enemies...Are Not My Friends. #drMM #fb””

Set Lower Goals. ...You Arrive Quicker. :) #drMM #fb””

#EagleTalk ~ Soaring Sessions... ...Are Very Stressful on Chickens. :) #drMM #fb””

Taste "The Present Moment" Thoroughly... It Took You A LifeTime To Get Here. #drMM #fb””

#Politics - #FOOLS ..Want Ownership of A Garden... ...Someone Else Planted. Ahab/Garden #drMM #fb””

#SecretsOfLife ... Focus On A Happy "Day"...Instead of A Happy Life. #drMM #fb http://t.co/BlQPCSUdXO””

“@RULivingLife My sweetheart @CindyMurdock
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